yep, the set is gone :(

there's a forum on that address now



On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm finally getting round to catching up on some of the online audio I've
missed in the past few months by being too busy.

I flagged 4 things I really wanted to hear, I've now got hold of two and
have high hopes of getting the third.

However I'm drawing blanks on #4: Rhythm & Sound live which a couple of
folks Ivan Tomasevic & Toby Frith posted about back in July.

Ivan recommended " they have 30 something minutes of Scion &
Tikiman from DEMF".  I can find the site but not R&S (OK I know there's a
good chance it's gone now but maybe it's just the fact I'm a bit slow that
stopping me finding it).

Toby said "I'm salivating over the Tikiman & Scion set from Mutek 2003 atm,
but it's streaming only" again I can find the Mutek site but not this

Can Ivan, Toby or anyone else help?



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