My one contribution to the weather thread (having been to Sydney,
Chicago, Detroit/Movement and London - but not Manchester, sadly -
I feel qualified to comment :-) ):

Movement will not be warm.  Living in a mostly-warm place like
Los Angeles makes you think, "Hmmn, end of May, 1st day of June ...
warm.  Almost Summer warm."

Wrong.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Bring jackets and rain gear.  Pray that the clouds part for awhile and
the Sun comes out.  Then it's nice.  Not too hot, just nice.  But just
as often, it's not nice.  Like windy, overcast/cool and maybe even
rainy (or lightning and hailing, but only if Juan's on the decks).

As for Detroit in winter ... OK, raise your hands if you were
at the first (313) list party at Science back in December 1999?
It was bloody cold then ... I remember walking out of the venue
and the temperature was around 19 F ... I know it was somewhere
in the teens.  Brrrrr ...

Sean's right about Chicago - it's even worse than Detroit.  I've
been there twice - once in July 1997 and then I had a layover there
for 8 hours coming back from the Detroit (313) party in December 1999.

In July of 1997 it was so hot and humid that as soon as I stopped
my rental SUV and opened the door, *WOOOSH* my glasses were fogged
up instantaneously within about a second.  Crazy.  The day I left,
it was 104 F (40 C) with 98% humidity.  My shirt was completely
soaked when I got to O'Hare.  Strangely, none of the Chicago
natives I saw in the airport were even breaking a sweat!  That was
creepy ... ;-)

A friend picked me up at O'Hare on my layover in December 1999 and
we headed to the suburbs near his home north of the city.  So
remember it was 19 F at night walking out of Science in Detroit?
Well, in mid-day outside Chicago it was 12 F ... and *windy*.  Aieeee!

After 28 years here, there's a lot I hate about Los Angeles.  But
I will say this, when I've come back from someplace where the
weather's crap - too hot/cold/rainy/windy/dreary/whatever - and we
descend for the landing at LAX and it's a cloudless day out and
70+ F/20+ C outside, I remember why I still live here - the weather!

        - Greg

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