I would like to hypothesize that the reason there is so much off-topic posting here in the last while is because 313 techno is no longer being made in an amount worthy of generating a focussed discussion.

I'll wait for half of you stop seeing red...

I don't buy records, and rarely CDs. I'm just a hanger-on, so my perspective is not one based musically. But as an observer of this list I can say that the amount of on-topic postings as of the last couple years has gone down greatly. Why? The most plausible reason is that the availability of "topic" to actually discuss has gone down. Again, I'm not at the shops so maybe I am missing the wealth of new 313 techno that is there, pardon my ignorance.

From my persepctive this looks more like a list of mostly like-minded people sharing stuff that catches their fancy which is somehow loosely related to 313 techno. This isn't bad. I like chatting with people who I can share ideas and stuff with.

But the question still remains: has the availability of "topic" to actually discuss has gone down?


McIntosh Cooey - Twelve Hundred Group LLC - http://www.1200group.com/

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