From my persepctive this looks more like a list of mostly like-minded people sharing stuff that catches their fancy which is somehow loosely related to 313 techno. This isn't bad. I like chatting with people who I can share ideas and stuff with.

i like this list for that reason. i don't think the s/n ratio is that bad really.

But the question
still remains: has the availability of "topic" to actually discuss has gone down?

in terms of detroit releases i think there's been a shift in detroits output from techno to house in recent years.

i'd be happy to discuss dj bone or gary martin or any other of the more 'electric' releases coming from the d tho. both of whom have had some great releases this year.

just had a thought: maybe the fact that UR have gone off the boil in some peoples eyes (mine one of em) has left 313 techno with a slight lack of focus?


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