I have been told that the contract is being re-negotiated again.
People have been very critical of the last 2 festivals but they have no idea
of the difficultities. I am astounded there has been a festival in 2003/2004
at all. In almost any other city in the world staging a festival there would
be (1) major support from the city, (2) corporate support and (3) a
supportive media. But staging a festival without those? I think it's only
the tenacious people in Detroit who could make it happen. I think Derrick
and Co are amazing.

> Here's something that's stunningly relevant to this mailing list.
> While there are a lot of people from all over the world on 313, there
> are still a bunch of people in the Detroit metro area on 313. Some of
> them are even somewhat in the know about what's going on, or are on
> good speaking relations with people at KMS and Transmat.
> Could someone maybe have a chat with the folks nominally in charge of
> Movement, and get a  status report?
> I don't really care about specific names of performers as much as
> whether the infrastructure is in place, whether the City is going to
> be supportive, whether potential sponsors has been contacted, whether
> the EFFING THING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Stuff like that.
> Without exaqggerating the importance of the people on this mailing
> list, if there IS going to be a festival, we're an enthusiastic street
> team, who can be very helpful to the festival in many ways.  It's not
> too much to ask them to throw us a bone. and I don't mean DJ Bone.
> Those overseas especially would be greatly aided in their decisions
> about buying plane tickets, making hotel reservations, etc..  It's
> only 5 months away!

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