For those who are thinking about going to see Ken Ishi in the west coast:


Happy Holidays,

quick update on Fri., Dec 17th @ 1015 Folsom

There will still be a slammin' TECHNO room upstairs on
Friday, Dec. 17th at 1015 Folsom, but I am sorry to
announce that Ken Ishii will not be appearing at 1015
on Fri. 12/17 due to visa complications.  In an
effort to make up for this (even though we realize
that would be impossible) everyone who is on
Forest Green's and Teknotika SF's $10 dollar discount list
is now on the FREE before 12AM (midnight)
12/17 guest list, and $10 dollars after 12AM guest
list.  so... you will now get in FREE BEFORE MIDNIGHT
if you are on the forest, mochi, yap, disconnect,
clairity techno room guest list.  ;)


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