>The only way forward I can see for artists is this:

>1. Give away lossy digital copies of your music, as promotion.
>2. Emphasize the audio quality of the 'real thing' -- the paid for copy.
>3. Make sure the physical object you're selling adds value over the
>digital copy -- either by adding tracks, attractive packaging, or some
>sort of  unique value you don't get downloading it digitally.
>4. Perform live, or DJ or do something where you're selling a unique
>event that can't be endlessly reproduced and distributed over the

I like the idea of #3 very much - vinyl only tracks would be a welcome
change from CD only tracks
plus well designed packaging is always encouraged.
Little pluses are so cool - buy a 12" to find a sticker slipped inside.
It's fairly common in rock music to find little things like record label
logos on a sticker - why not dance music 12"?

>Now, a lot of musicians have found, of necessity,
>that a much larger percentage of their income will have to come from
>playing in front of people.

or licensing their tracks.


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