On Jan 26, 2005, at 1:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
or at least try to start a bittorrent tracker for it.

On Jan 26, 2005, at 0:36, Simon Kong wrote:

  Break it out on the P2P .. isn't that one of the great advantages.

  Load it up on SLSK ' share it with your community and get viral
  on the distrobution ..

  Sounds like a perfect situation to expliot the postitives of P2P.

Bit Torrent is soooo 2004  ;-)

It's all about eXeem in 2005.  http://www.eXeem.COM/

Slap those shows up on eXeem, Anton.

(No, there's no Mac or Linux eXeem client yet.  <Sigh> ... )

        - Greg

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