Hi Chana,

Not 100% sure this is addressed to me but I think it
is. I was not for one minute suggesting moving the
festival - if you read my post I was suggesting
running some form of event here in Europe to use the
profits to subsidise the free event in Detroit inorder
to guarantee its free future. 

And yes, we do have a lot of Detroit artists who
live/tour over here all the time which is why I also
stated an event that wasnt just the "names" that we
get the chance to see on a regular basis.


 --- Chana Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Wow!
> David arent you happy enough to have Mills, Mike
> Banks
> living on your continent.  Not to mention all the
> shows headlining detroit/american artists that are
> constantly rotating through Europe.  Maaaan, do we
> really have to take one of the last formidable, and
> sizable electronic detroit/american events left here
> and move it too.  I personally dont have the money
> to
> be galivanting to Europe and back.  This is one
> thing 
> among few others I have to look forward to.  I cant
> believe people would even consider moving the
> festival
> as a viable option.  Remember it started as DEMF for
> a
> reason, and will always be that as far as Im
> concerned.  Move the festival, and it might as well
> be
> any other festival.
> sorry struck a chord.
> I'll certainly make a donation if thats what it
> takes.
> chana

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