Apparently so, we have a couple living upstairs from us who are all too
happy to start playing their tablas, bongos, and guitars at any hour of the
They also like to count the beat out by pounding their feet on the floor.
Guess what - it's the building caretaker too.

So anyone got a really good record(s) that'll piss off hippies?
Serious request by the way.

We bought a house and we'll be moving in a few months so what do I care...

I want to do a 4am "these go up to 11" party just to show how much I have
appreciated living underneath this twat


             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             03/01/2005 09:52                   
             AM                                                         cc 
                                       (313) anyone want a Harvey mix?     

think this is a newish one:

I know there's some fans of the hippy's vibe at the mo.

Hippies are in btw.

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