I wonder which version patrick russell plays on the mixtape he did on matts
there is a 'remix'of 4 minutes or so, and an original of 2 and a half.
anyone know?

well on that mixtape he plays the track for longer than 2:45 with no obvious sign that he plays two copies. i'd guess he uses the version on that Lektroluv Lektrokuted compilation

yes that was the one he had..

Dr. Attaman is the only person i know with an original, and unless BMG found an original, i'd predict that's where he got a clean copy to do his secret mixes and fixes edit from. :) PS -- if anyone in Ann Arbor area needs a doctor that is also a killer DJ of dance music obscurities, Dr. Attaman will heal your body and soul, look him up at U of M medical center!

i've also seen him lurking round the DJ History forums too, hopefully doing research UNrelated to his medical practice.


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