I'd like to preface this by saying this lineup is tentative:

Friday Night (List still growing)
Sean Deason
Dimitri Pike
Mitch Walcott
Brian Kage
Lee Curtiss
Ryan Brogan

Saturday Night
Fabrice Lig
Infinite Grey
John Tejada
John Clees
Andy James
Jason Patrick
Josh Surma
Derek Plasleiko
Ryan Brogan

Sunday Night
Alan Oldham
Rob Hood
T. Linder
Ja'Maul Redmond
Andy Hegler
Dan Lucas
Niel V

Monday Night
Ryan Brogan
Big Joe Hicks

03/17/2005 07:39 PM
Please respond to

[EMAIL PROTECTED], 313 Mailinglist List <>
Re: (313) Re: SPAM-LOW:  Re: (313) Rob Hood - Sleepcycles

i just heard rob is playing LIVE in detroit, and listmember (and fellow 
north carolinian yeahhh!) jamaul redmond LIVE alongside him (very rob hood 
style, actually superior to much of rob's stuff!), along with a bunch of 
other nice names (which were not elaborated) sometime next 
month...something thrown by those detroittechnomilitia guys i think? whats 
the info jamaul?!? you still on here? congrats and have fun! sounds dope!! 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mar 17, 2005 6:59 PM
To: Tristan Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 313 Mailinglist List 
                 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Klaa s-Jan Jongsma 
Subject: Re: (313) Re: SPAM-LOW:  Re: (313) Rob Hood - Sleepcycles

I have to support those that support Rob.  I think he is one of the best 
DJs out of Detroit, always playing things LIVE, spontaneous, and just 
plain however he wants.  I don't think I've seen him out of form.  This is 

a DJ that doesn't hesitate to go from hard techno to deep house to old 
acid to Classic Detroit Trax, and back and forth.  I LOVE hearing him mix 


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Tristan Watkins wrote:

> I'm with Ian. Hadn't seen him until a couple of years ago but each of 
the 3 or 4 times since then have been wicked. KJ, your descriptions of his 
Dutch sets have always really baffled me! Only one of those sets felt 
unfunky to me, but in that case the brutality made up for it. Generally I 
find he plays some pretty deep stuff (if at 140-150 bpm) and generally a 
fair amount of his own stuff. And he's been one of the tightest mixers 
I've seen on each occasion. Sometimes it even seems like he mixes minimal 
techno like a deep house DJ, with really long blends, etc. Sounds weird 
but seems that way to me.
> Oh, and he sh*ts on the rest of the world from a great height when it 
comes to the 909. *Really* looking forward to he and Passarani at Fabric 
next Saturday (and Akufen and Crackhaus who I probably won't see because 
I'll be watching the other two all night, err at least a good chunk of it 
following some time at Flushpoint).
> Tristan
> =======
> ________________ Original message ________________
> Subject:               SPAM-LOW:  Re: (313) Rob Hood - Sleepcycles
> Author:                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date:                          16th March 2005 4:55:1
> what? I can't believe that....he played at Split party in London and
> people were ravinf about him being on form..I saw him at the Custard
> Factory in Birmmingham a year or so ago and he was unreal! I have never
> heard him train wreck, honest.
>> On Mar 16, 2005, at 3:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> I remember when I was a mere cheeky young scamp, and one day Rob Hood
>>> played at Swankys Soap in Manchester.
>>> He played a nice sounding record.
>>> I wandered up to the box. Kinda knew him to talk to at the time
>>> "Hi Rob" I said, in a polite voice.
>>> "What's this record please?"
>> So you actually heard him play a good set recently? I heard him last
>> saturday after 3 years avoiding him because of other horrible sets from
>> the man. I have to say that he couldn't get a straight mix (and i am
>> talking serious train-wrecks here) in the first 45 minutes. Once again
>> his whole set was filled with nothing more then non-inspirational,
>> non-funky music. We have chords and scales for a reason, they make
>> music sound good, please use them.
>> After Rob Hood however came James Ruskin and he was quite good to be
>> honest. He dropped some more funkier stuff and even some Blaze, Blake
>> Baxter and Electroids...
>> I am so disappointed in Rob Hood the last couple of years, what
>> happened to the Minimal Nation? Did the US listed it as a country that
>> supported terrorism or what?
>> KJ

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