With ya on Discovery and the clips of the new one, but not sure if I follow the 
Technasia comparison really. Sure, there's something pop about some of their 
stuff just like there is about some of Daft Punk's, but I'd be surprised if 
Technasia's sound could ever be sold to a wide global audience. Then again, I'm 
pretty surprised Daft Punk's has. And I suppose both are great on stage. Hmm... 
maybe I do follow. 

Technasia play a mean gong BTW. :)


________________ Original message ________________
Subject:        SPAM-LOW:  Re: (313) save me, I think I'm going over to the 
Author: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:           23rd March 2005 11:48:43 

I think most people would think of them as house, but these things are 
This one is v, v, v tracky.
I loved Discovery, hype or not, it was a joy to listen to, and I recently
pulled it out again and my love of it was undiminished. I love how they had
that 70s type feel to it. This I am not feeling.

> but havent they ALWAYS been pretty techno? i wont even bother to
> listen to their new one, or the last one really, but their first
> record is one of the great techno LPs ever IMO.
> and i guess i can see technasia being kind of hooky, but daft
> punk's melodies (at least on homework) are just on like that whole
> other level of goodness.
> tom
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