Jason Brunton wrote:

I've got mixed feelings on the matter- it's great when you finally track down a record you've been after (sometimes for YEARS), not so nice when you have to pay more than a "reasonable" amount for it (about £20-25 is the most I've ever paid for something, and rarely over a tenner). We had a guy call the shop last week who wanted a whole load of Chain Reaction releases but ONLY if they were in the original "brown card" sleeves and NOT the "new" black ones- that's when it gets a bit silly for me- we had them all so he was happy but it just struck me as strange that he would have knocked them back had they been in a different sleeve!

Yes, that does sound a trifle silly.

I scour the used bins religiously, so I usually don't spend more than US$8 but some things are precious enough to me that I'd be willing to pay a lot for them. I've never paid more than US$50 for anything, and even then it was only for things I'd been searching for for so long that I would have been stupid to not buy it when I finally found it.

It has only happened a few times that I've spent a lot of money on something only to have it show up in the budget bin for a few dollars or be reissued at a much lower price. But why get mad when I can just get another copy? At least then I know that I can play one as much as I want and still have a backup that's in good condition? ;)

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