On May 22, 2005, at 11:49 PM, Minto George wrote:

the big techno bus will be coming up from Texas and we
still got room for 1-2 more people. Anyone who is
nearby the interstate hwy's I-35, I-44, or I-55, and
needs a ride to Detroit is welcome to join us.

Good to know that Minto (AKA - Noah) is still piloting the Ark. In addition to all of the holy followers, he will need 2 of each animal species to get on board, plus 2 mint copies of all Transmat, Retroactive, and Metroplex white labels... quick before the (acid) rain comes and he floats the party bus to the Promised Land... up where I-94 dead ends into the land of....... 3...1...3

We are
leaving thursday night so we'll maybe catch up with
some of you Friday night. MacQueen you goin'?

sorry this year i'm taking a pass, but lineup looks incredible so post your reviews and photos



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