Yeh, Fabrice really delivered.  He played some gems--Omar S, Day toward the
beginning which he brought in very slowly through a dense filter before he
opened it up and it run for several minutes; then later he mixed Shades of
Jae with another vocal track that sounded very similar which sounded totally
dope.  Also my non-techie friends liked his set the best of those on the
main stage Saturday night.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Heutte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 12:37 AM
Subject: (313) Fuse-In Day 1

Really nice weather today -- a few sprinkles but mostly
sunny/partly cloudy.  The crowds are down just a bit
but better than I expected so the $10 admission didn't
really hurt things at all.  This is an excellent sign for the
financial health of the festival.  

Highlights -- a very fine live electro set by Bangkok Impact
(I think that's who it was) in the Musicological tent although
something went out with their gear right at 8 pm and they
cut it short.  And a thumping tech/house DJ set by our own
Fabrice Lig that had the main stage up and moving consistently
for the first time today.  Nice touch: the good old Hardfloor
Circus Bells remix at just the right hands-in-the-air moment
near the end of the set.  Aril Brikha was also quite good.
The live sets in general are working out quite well.

Off to afterpartyland . . .


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