okay i thought i mailed this last week but it got stuck in my outbox somehow. so excuse the lateness not out to bash Rich in particular, but more-so this lame philosophizing.

On May 26, 2005, at 2:22 PM, Aleš Hieng / Zergon wrote:

The electronic music world is incredibly
difficult to stay ahead of. What is branded cool
one week, might be slated as dirty the next.

and we should all be fearful of being judged by our techno peers to be only at the bleeding edge of cool, because every 60 seconds a new microtrend in techno has born and died. And god forbid you weren't there to get a record (errr, audiofile) released in time to ride that microtrend and be leading a pack that will inevitably devour you as they themselves seek to be EVEN MORE TECHNO than their predecessor, even if for an instant. yuck. i don't think many techno artists worth a second listen operate this way.

Endless techniques are used by artists and their
management to try to keep themselves beyond
mainstream musical comprehension, and therefore
slipping from the razor’s edge where
legends can be crafted.

and where, without a foundation in any form or underpinning substance or soul, it all just collapses under the weight of it's own technical "process" overhead. it isn't music anymore, it's just simply technology without anything else as a vehicle for artistic expression. in short, music produced in this manner may make scientists and studio engineers swoon, but on the other hand it also simply disappears right up it's own rear end. poof!

"Legends can be crafted" when the artistic product endures for some reason or another beyond a millisecond, it's not just another forgettable technical masturbation. Whether that applies to this work remains to be seen.

i'll listen with an open mind but this press release gets at the whole problem i have with techno being so technical and 'of the second' it becomes utterly disposable. the second you've heard it it's suddenly irrelevant because another production method has replaced it. when all that's there is technique, pure technique, once that novelty wears off there's nothing underneath it. what is the real artistic statement? Reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes.

I shouldn't read press releases.


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