---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>you got it backwards. collectors are who buy the records, and 
>thus who set the price -- auctions are great for this reason! a 
>record is worth as much as somebody will pay for it. literally. 
>that is the market value. if you are buying something flat-out 
>with a pricetag on it, its worth it to you, that's the value, you 
>cant complain. if its not worth it to you, dont buy it. you just 
>dont want it bad enough, tough luck!

you havent answered the question! you still have people making 
money off of the artists despite not having done anything. i cant 
see how this is justified by the demand but bootlegging by demand 
isnt. either way you have someone who had nothing to do with the 
record being made making money. 

just like i dont buy many bootlegs, i dont pay money to collectors 
for many records either. i want the artists to get my $$$, no one 




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