Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

you havent answered the question! you still have people making 
money off of the artists despite not having done anything. i cant 
see how this is justified by the demand but bootlegging by demand 
isnt. either way you have someone who had nothing to do with the 
record being made making money. 

just like i dont buy many bootlegs, i dont pay money to collectors 
for many records either. i want the artists to get my $$$, no one 
2 things come to mind

1) the dealer provides a (legit) service: lots and lots of time & labor (diggin) and money (purchase of large quantities of to a great extend worthless records in bulk) is being spent so the collector can just walk into the shop take the rare record and walk out. this service has to be paid for. of course some records seem to cost "too much", that's the effect of a strong demand with low supply. these records need very much labor/time/invested money to be found by the dealer. record dealers don't get rich quick, they work hard for the money.

2) the dealer makes a certain sum off of 1 record. he doesn't "multiply" it. this 1 record once brought the artist a certain amount of revenue (when it was bought for the first time). bootleggers offer multiple copies of new records where the artist never gets the money he should get when they are sold for the first time, which they are.

the lack of ability of moral judgement with some of you is amazing. demand justifies appropriation? tell me that the next time you play some tracks for me over at your's or the next time i hear you dj somewhere. haha


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