---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>me, I think in general, sometimes music of electronic origin
comes across
>badly when played in a more 'traditional' sense. in ditching the
>aspect, you tend to lose alot of what the track is about, as it
tends to be
>more about actual sounds, and maybe just simple hooks. Most
>musicians dont think about writing actual songs as such I dont think.
>someone say like, kraftwerk were always more song based, so their
>generally sounds good when covered because the songs are strong.
but I aint
>too sure how jeff mills stuff would fair without all those dope crazy
>sounds he uses. they seem to set the atmosphere.

actually i feel like jeff mills' stuff (at least the melodic
complex stuff he does) would sound better than most electronic
stuff. i dont wanna hear "the bells" by an orchestra, but maybe
like some of the metropolis stuff or the more experimental melodic
stuff would be pretty awesome. 




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