Also, on UR 27 (Scan Seven Undetectable EP) there is a missing beat in the "breakdown". Isn't there also a missing beat in FireKeeper on RedPlanet?

And one of the old Model 500 releases on Metroplex? Maybe technicolor? Have to check when I get home...


On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jason Brunton wrote:

I always thought this was just a single beat "missing" in the track- there are a couple of other MM productions that do this (can't for the life me think what they are at the moment!)and also at least one Derrick May track (possibly one of the Move It mixes). In other words I think it is deliberate production "trick"


On 29 Jun 2005, at 13:53, Nik Stoltzman wrote:


 Just a quick question: Does everyone's copy of Amazon have a glitch in
 it? About three minutes in (sorry, don't have the exact timing). For
 years, I had always put it down to the pressing on my vinyl copy. I was
 listening to Depth Charge 1 (or whichever one it was) on CD the other
 day and heard the same thing.

 Just curious.


 Nik Stoltzman
 Cabot Communications Ltd
 Complete The Digital Picture

 Tel: +44 117 943 0227
 Fax: +44 117 958 4168

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