Phew- glad it wasn't just me then!

On 7 Jul 2005, at 18:23, David Powers wrote:

I'm almost thinking of unsubbing to the list because I mainly came here to find out about new music... But the amount of new records discussed has really fallen off, on top of which every time somebody brings it up it turns into a discussion on how new records are no good only old records are good... Ridiculous!

On top of that, while I definitely like some Moodyman tracks, I'm not focused on disco-influenced house records (acid, micro, or tech type house is more my bag), and those seem to get a lot more bandwidth here now than in the past, whereas techno seems to be much less discussed.

Anyway, in two weeks I hope to buy records again (been short of cash while I was between jobs) - and so I'll definitely be looking into your suggestions. Thanks for taking the time to post about NEW MUSIC!


Jason Brunton wrote:

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