Dan Bean wrote:

Speaking of new stuff, someone gave me the new Kelli Hand 12" on Tuesday. It's 
on Third Ear and is no. 1 in their new 'Producer's' series. Not sure when it's out 
or who is next.

Not quite what I was expecting (last thing of hers I listened to was that 
Tresor LP with 'The Creator' on it. Am liking it though, it's in a beatdown/KDJ 
vein and there's one particularly good cut called 'Moving On'. Certainly in the 
fine tradition of somewaht skewed Detroit house.

Also got a promo called Trans Slovenian Express. It's remixes of Kraftwerk 
tracks by Slovenian producers. I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but 
according to the blurb Laibach have decided not to remix a Kraftwerk track. 
Instead they've done one of their tracks as if Kraftwerk had remixed them.

Don't know about the rest of you, but I thought that was bloody impertinent, as 
if Kraftwerk would remix Laibach!

I haven't heard the track, but to flip the script in such a manner sounds very Laibach, impertinent or not. I am curious to hear what it sounds like.

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