Acid Man wrote:

Still not getting this italo thing....

I've really been really trying aswell

it's almost as if they know i am enjoying it and then they go and put 
this horrible synth or some stupidly bad singing in it just to ruin

some silly money exchanging hands for it aswell


I'm with you on this I think, Paul. The slightly weird thing is that I
am quite a fan of the stuff which has been *influenced* by so-called
Italo - I-F, Passarani and the Nature/Pigna things in general and more
(inc. some Viewlexx). 

I say so-called, 'cause when I were a lad - admittedly, that was about
50 decades ago - Italian dance music was basically straight-up and quite
'black' disco. All I need to say is Change (and other Mauro Malavasi
projects) for you to know what I'm meaning. That group was a start for
Vandross and Jocelyn Brown after all. And of course one must mention
Moroder. It wasn't this

Anyway, I know I'm being slightly harsher than I mean to be and not
entirely serious. But in general, also, I'm not feeling it. And perhaps
the bigger problem is that people who *are* feeling it, seldom play what
they regard as the really good stuff so I can get some sort of education
in my idiot head about it! Alex, I don't think you dropped any in Public
Life did you?!? ;-)
I can't remember the last DJ who bends my ear about Italo, who played an
Italo track out. Rick Hopkins (Haywire) is a rare exception.


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