honestly, dunno what to think about these insane prices...
but anyway: thx a lot for that popsike link, alex.
was always wondering if such a database existed. it does.
link of the week!


p.s.: this discription killed me:
"The record technically should not be played but collected as an item."


ha. who would play this out anyway, even if it was not signed? :)

man. what are people smoking these days? seriously, i even kinda

like italo disco but sh*t be selling for insane amounts of money
and the tracks arent even all that good. even the stuff that gets
reissued on comps and bootlegs and the unclassics i dont think are
better tracks than alot of completely random disco records that
arent worth $10.

cripes. put your knickers back on our kid. free world innit.

check this one out:

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