Hi Ken,

I believe the french guys were DJ Julien & Gonzague.
They were originally scheduled to play between DJ 3000
and SK (http://www.bigchill.net/story.html?id=1380)
but were pulled from the schedule. However they
already had their plane tickets and turned up anyway
so the UR guys shortened their sets to allow them to
go on first - thats what I was told anyway.

I was at the festival too - appologies to Mr Dan Bean
as I had said I would meet up with him but I didnt
manage to find the radio station (would have been good
to see you again too Ken of course).

Highlights for me of the weekend would be DJ 3000,
Suburban Knight, Osunlade and Larry Heard.


--- Ken Odeluga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just literally this minute got back From The Big
> Chill festival were 
> these two chaps played. They also came and did a
> back-to-back set for 
> Big Chill Radio (where I was working) so I got to
> chat to them at 
> length, especially DJ3000. They seem to be friendly,
> down-to-earth, 
> unpretentious blokes, with good senses of humour.
> Watch out for 3000, 
> there's a rich seam of influences in him which will
> produce some 
> interesting stuff, I'm sure. The eastern European
> influence - he's of 
> Albanian extraction - is becoming evident in his
> recent music, I feel. 
> But at the same time, it's obvious from his accent
> that he hangs around 
> with a lot of African Americans, not to too fine a
> point on it. There's 
> no doubt, he's being groomed by the more senior UR
> members to be one of 
> the next generation of representatives.
> He and James Pennington played a smart set of
> electro-funk old and new, 
> especially in the radio studio. It was a lot of fun
> and such an 
> antidote to rather too much of the
> 'Berlin-by-numbers' which I almost 
> feel spoon-fed at the moment.
> Look out for 3000's mix CD 'Perseverance'. I'm
> listening to a promo now 
> and it's a good showcase of his current style.
> By the way, does anyone know who are the two French
> guys who were just 
> signed to Axis? They were in the UR entourage but I
> didn't get to talk 
> to them. Maybe someone mentioned their names, but
> I've forgotten, alas.
> Ken
> Music is an open sky.
> http://bleep43.com

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