The samples posted seem like they are in similar (or same) keys, but it doesn't sound like a sample or rip-off of one to the other (putting aside which came first or who did what). I can find loads of songs in my collection that I would put in this same category (of sounding similar) and believe that sometimes, things just fit/sound good together and people discover them on their own, creating their own take on a thing.

Perhaps the world has rhythms (as Ken says, synchronicity) and we're simply discovering them (or they're discovering us).


Kent Williams wrote:

There's only a couple of seconds in the CiM track to sample. I don't
know how you'd take the sample and stretch it into the Black Dog
track.  I'd be willing to give Ken the benefit of the doubt here.
Hell, it would be easier to make the CiM track out of the Black Dog

Besides, is it plagarism to duplicate what is a pretty generic phrase
in isolation? If so, I got Opz on both those guys, because I used a
Major 7th chord Pad, a Juno-esque bass note on the tonic, and a high
D50-sounding note 2 octaves higher years ago.

There is loads of unintentional plagarism and synchronicity in music.
If what you're showing here meant someone made a ton of money off of a
significant act of plagarism, it would be worth starting a row about.
As it is, both those guys either have day jobs or live very modestly.


Normally I won't take these things to public,
but solving the issue with the label didn't succeed

I'm 100% sure The Black Dog samples a track of the artist CiM,
a track from Delsin's Service Pack release. (released 1999)

On it's own not a not-to-overcome-problem, but..

quote from the artist, Ken Downie aka The Black Dog
"No samples were used. From anybody."

Dust Label owner Martin:
"I've no reason to doubt Ken at all."


Compare and contrast...

A: 'new' Black Dog on Dust Science

B: CiM - Shift - Service Pack/Do Not Multiply Models

Well, if you still need any help....

What makes it most obvious is that the bassline is the same and that
it *starts at the same time as the high string sounds*.

Listen to the Black Dog Juno MP3 sample at 23 secs in to hear this,
and compare this with the Shift track at 3 sec.

you just can't do three sounds exactly the same

a low string, a high string and bass sound
all with the same reverb!
all in the same time schedule


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