mixmaster pauloo brought his friends caseroc and mark deep this weekend. short sets because of some transportation issues, but damn this is the finest paul has ever brought down on my head.

for all boston area folks, check out caseroc's night at the wonderbar in allston every friday.

9/23 mkb plays at the appliance of science! 125 river st cambridge, ma!

upcoming guests:
9/24 mixmaster pauloo and dj dublin

you can listen to the recording here: http://dirty.org/~mkb/media/h2e20050917-pauloo_caseroc_markdeep.mp3

the hydrogen economy is broadcast every saturday night at midnight US eastern (9PM PDT) on 90.3 WRIU FM in kingston, RI. webcasts are available at www.wriu.org and (most weeks) on dirtyradio.net

a podcast rss feed is available from the itunes music store

matt kane's brain
aim -> mkbatwerk || mkbwriu

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