Thanks to all for the replies on this particularly Giannis, Fab, Martijn,
Jamil, Briggs, O, you're all on my user list (where you've priovided a name,
O you already were - we've talked before!).

Here's a reply I made to Giannis earlier today:

> As far as the slsk thing goes what your answer indicates is 
> that really I should find another filesharing utility as I 
> really don't have the time to follow your advice!  This isn't 
> meant in any snobby way: I'd really love to be able to do so 
> but in any given week on top of using my PC for it's 
> legitimate work purposes I usually manage to read my 313 
> mail, deal with any mail pertaining to my night and check 
> Piccadilly's mailout.  If I have anytime left I may hunt on 
> Gemm for older stuff I'm after.
> On top of this I'd love to watch Little Detroit, check out 
> other online shops (particularly Vinyl Underground here in 
> the UK and Submerge and Big50 stateside), buy records off 
> e-bay, look for books I'm after, visit yet more sites that 
> sound brilliant (Technotourist?) but I've never been to.
> The reason I don't do all these things is because I just 
> don't have time.  For me to be able to I'd have to find a way 
> to give up either eating, sleeping or working.  The first 2 
> seem impossible to get round (and I'm not sure I'd really 
> want to!).  Now where's that lottery ticket..........

> Francis

> hey francis :)
> i dont know if u know this, but most ppl in slsk who have intresting 
> files are on strict user list sharing only. So when u distribute a 
> global search , this function cannot access their files. So as u 
> understand it's all about getting to know the right ppl. A way to do 
> this is by entering intresting rooms and getting to know ppl who share 
> same intrest in music. One room i recommend is this-> 313 .And believe 
> me, some real diamonds float in the slsk network"

Giannis gave me a reply with a few good tips and thanks to the rest of you
I've got others to try too - particularly the Wishlist.

To answer some of the other points I do already "donate" to get privileges
but this doesn't help.
There seems to be 3 things:
Some people have moved on from slsk.
Many only share with others on their list.
Some new versions of Soulseek are incompatible with older ones or

> Question: any other p-2-p programm that u find good besides Soulseek?

No I haven't tried others, I'm a greenhorn with little time for
experimentation - I need you lot to do the hard work for me  : )
Recommendations anyone?

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