grrr... 313 don't fail me this time!

So we had Dan Bell come play in Sydney on Saturday night. It was f**kin awsome. 

What was even more awesome was this though: the party had to close at 3:30, 
just as Bell was kicking into top gear - I told the promoter about a friend's 
birthday party that was still going on and would Dan (hereafter referred to as 
God) like to come along and finish off his set there? Sure enough, God hopped a 
cab across town and played for another two hours, for free, for a birthday 
party (that was also boosted by about half the crowd from his gig) as the sun 
rose. It was certainly one of the most memorable nights of my clubbing career!

That's all I gotta say - I just had to share it with you guys.

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