b**tard :P if only i knew about the after party hehehe.
Good night before hand though. Can't wait till uni ends... :)

On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 14:52 +1000, Simon Hindle wrote:
> grrr... 313 don't fail me this time!
> So we had Dan Bell come play in Sydney on Saturday night. It was f**kin 
> awsome. 
> What was even more awesome was this though: the party had to close at 3:30, 
> just as Bell was kicking into top gear - I told the promoter about a friend's 
> birthday party that was still going on and would Dan (hereafter referred to 
> as God) like to come along and finish off his set there? Sure enough, God 
> hopped a cab across town and played for another two hours, for free, for a 
> birthday party (that was also boosted by about half the crowd from his gig) 
> as the sun rose. It was certainly one of the most memorable nights of my 
> clubbing career!
> That's all I gotta say - I just had to share it with you guys.
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