> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 15 November 2005 19:09
> >     I'll get the ball rolling, How about : Spanish-Banjo Tec-Grime
> >                                                      : Speed Ambient
> >                                                    : Happy Trip Core
> >                                                      : Progressive
> those are mostly a little too over the top. it needs to 
> mostly be short, sweet, and overuse of the typical genre name 
> elements might not catch on so easily. we should do it 
> though. pick someone on this list who has a release coming up 
> and have them hype it as the new genre name.
> tom

I have a friend who works in a shop in town here and recently strted using
the term "wonky-hop" to describe some records (and I don't consider this to
be totally daft, I know what records she means).  This seems to have caught
on in no time and not just locally (they have a well distributed mail out) -
soon after she coined it she's overheard the use of it on plenty of
So something like that, short and descriptive may have a good chance of

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