i've seen wonky used before a lot of genres.

wonky techno is the big one i guess.


On 15 Nov 2005, at 19:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 November 2005 19:09

        I'll get the ball rolling, How about : Spanish-Banjo Tec-Grime
                                                         : Speed Ambient
                                                       : Happy Trip Core
                                                         : Progressive

those are mostly a little too over the top. it needs to
mostly be short, sweet, and overuse of the typical genre name
elements might not catch on so easily. we should do it
though. pick someone on this list who has a release coming up
and have them hype it as the new genre name.


I have a friend who works in a shop in town here and recently strted using the term "wonky-hop" to describe some records (and I don't consider this to be totally daft, I know what records she means). This seems to have caught on in no time and not just locally (they have a well distributed mail out) -
soon after she coined it she's overheard the use of it on plenty of
So something like that, short and descriptive may have a good chance of

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