Having been to the Mike Clark and Delano Smith show myself, I must concur with Fred 's earlier post about the last 45 mins. of the show, though I thoroughly enjoyed all of Mike's set, and the very tail end (about three tracks or so) of Delano's as well. Though the sound quality of the venue may have been less than stellar, I think Delano played well, if a bit too mid-90's techno-rave-y (which is fine in the right quantity and the right variety of tracks, which he certainly did have).

Mike's set was very good. I haven't really enjoyed the brand of (loosely termed) deep house before, the kind of which he played, but given the context and sequence of tracks it ended up being quite enjoyable and varied. Ron Trent's Altered States and some Relief-style tracks also made a very welcome appearance, along with Prince's "Controversy".

After their show Saturday Mike played at Pink (formerly known as Liquid) Sunday night. Given this town's perceived affinity for ecstasy and drug culture, he fittingly began his set with the Green Velvet track about pills (La La Land). It was fitting for him to play the Abe Duque track "What Happened?" with Blake Baxter saying "what's up" to Detroit techno, as the local music scene of late rarely plays host to any Detroit talent, largely favoring and booking the dj's who play the current so called "minimal" sound instead. But then again, SF has been a trend following city lately. But I digress.

More power to the guys who put on Saturday night's show, in a "proper" venue, where the sound is loud and just a tad bit unclean (in that Theo Parrish kind of way), the roof is made of ruffled tin (giving it that stripped-down warehouse feel) and the location is far away from where the liquored-up yuppies in search of the current "cool" sound-of-the-moment roam.


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