This is going to sound like a silly question, but I really don't know,
AND I see how many Brits are on here, so I ask to have some of your English 
translated into My English (American that is), as I have moved abroad to a non 
speaking country in Europe, and wow, my next door neighbor is English. Yeah I 
thought, until, well...
What does this stuff mean...
Jolly Ho... he never says this but still...
Brilliant...I assume the answer to this but not when you use it like an Italian 
uses the word Prego
Bum...I assume buttocks
2 Stones...
Bullocks...seriously I don't know....
Thats all I can think of, yet feel free to tell me other differences. This 
really isn't for the sake of alughing at anyone. But it's strange, often when I 
hear some one speaking French I nodd my head like I understand, but I really 
don't, I am just hoping I will figure it out a sentence or two down the line.  
But I shouldn't have to do that with English. And I don't want to be rude. Hell 
I'd ask him over to BBQ some qauil and drink a couple of beers if I didn't 
think he might just be nodding his head at my American as well. 
Well thanks in advance, and to keep it remotely on topic, yes I think you 
should remove the filter it's too conservative in here, and Yes, even though 
Madonna hasn't been to a disco in years, I still think she can do a video in 
own, I don't really interpret people's videos that much. If I did I would fly 
the airlines Britney Spears is a stewardice all dee time.
Ok probably not,

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