>>>uh no? i cant even agree that's the point of view to look at it from. even 
>>>the first year the majority of festival-goers didn't look like scenesters to 

What festival were you at? The last couple years people that have been at the 
festival were a great number of Dudes. You, "I hate this techno crap, but it's 
easy to buy beer, and those raver chicks are hot man." I know you can't agree 
with me because you were probably surrounded by people you know or were looking 
for people you know. But the first year or 2 it was raver fest. And when you 
say the people from the scene couldn't have supported it, then what and who is 
the festival for? My Grandma? I totally disagree that the scene could support 
it then. but the problem you see is that international music conasseurs greatly 
outnumber the people who have even heard of Kevin saunderson int the US. If you 
go to LA it's hard to get anyone there to even know who Juan Atkins is and as 
last I heard he lives there now, and people laugh at you nationally if you say 
anything about Detroit being the root of techno. That will make people on this 
list laugh at me, but facts are facts. It's not the only festival/event that 
has been done with those numbers. Even that first year when everyone was so 
proud that the numbers were over a million, when they announced that on the 
final night, people were looking at each other like they made that up. There 
were a lot of people there the thrid night, but combined over three days it 
didn't look like a Full Silverdome. And you can find full Silverdome's sized 
events in the US, well before. I mean I felt like after the 2nd year festival 
promoters were hell bent on "educating dancers", which I think is ill. There 
are ALOT of other great artists from other genres, that people were into 
nationwide that never got the chance to play that festival. I loved every 
minute of it, well, not Derrick May making people feel bad they weren't 
donating, or the initial Carol Marvin Carl Craig thing. This is the first time 
I can have some sort of agreement on what Joe is saying. He's right and you 
guys are more offended by him saying it then hearing what he is really saying. 
Kevin Saunderson said that if they could have got 10,000 more foriegn visitors 
to the festival they would have done a whole lot better. That's the problem. 
He's focused on this international crowd, who although supports his music, do 
not live in Michigan. It's a community event from the stand point of Detroit. 
Yes the city needs money. But opening an Engine building plant, and generated 
tax revenues to pay city workers and keep schools stay open, is a little more 
useful then 3 to 4 days of tourism. And when the pull of people are from a 
demographic, that even if they enjoyed Detroit on their stay will not be coming 
downtown more often on weekends, or considering shopping there, or living 
there, well it's not sooooo interesting. The people from this list from out of 
town may disagree, but maybe Saunderson or the like, needs to be doing a 
Detroit Festival in Manchester or Berlin. I see that bringing something home to 
Detroit is a honourable thing to do. But it's either a philanthrapist gesture 
to drop 250,000 or a bad business investment. Which is it?

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