> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 22 February 2006 17:18
> they work very well.
> this is what my father uses in his warehouse (50,000+ 78's)

Hey JT

Coincidence you posting that - I'm just looking into 78s at the moment,
prompted by just coming back from a visit to my dad where we were looking at
some of his old 78s.
Does he have a site for this collection?  I have no idea whether some of
them are worth money or are mostly just junk.
Any more ideas for info on such old recordings anyone (dealers, sites
showing prices or info, forums etc.)?
How about playing them?  My sister recently bought my dad some awful retro
radio style music centre with built in turntable off a shopping channel (!)
but although it does 78 speed there's absolutely no info on it or in it's
manual giving make / model or the same info for the (horrendous looking)
cartridge that would help in locating a suitable stylus, if such a thing is
available, which I doubt.  A better bet might be the B&O Beogram 1000
turntable which he has upstairs and can also spin at 78 but the stylus looks
a very individual affair (kind of 70s equivalent of an Ortofon Condorde but
with the cartridge and stylus one unit plugging in to the arm with 4 pins).
Some of the new DJ turtables (Vestax?) spin at 78 - does this mean Ortofon
or Stanton do 78 styli for their DJ cartridges?
For interest here's a couple of the artists who's records we were looking
at, which my dad fondly and (surprisingly to me) credibly by the looks of
things remembers going to see in London in the late 1930s / early 40s.

Lauderic Caton:

Ken "Snakehips" Johnson

 - being blown up by a bomb during an air raid while performing at the
height of your powers has got to be a heck of way to go!

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