<geek mode>

Microsoft's ftp client (if you're using the command line, that is)
is just FreeBSD's recompiled under MSC although Redmond has
added more stuff over the years**.  If you don't believe me,
run strings on the executable (on XP and similar systems you'll
usually find it at c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe) or just load it
into your word processor and look for this:

  Copyright (c) 1983 The Regents of the University of California.

Therefore, being of BSD lineage It Just Works as long as you don't
have something weird along the way like a badly configured firewall.
It won't run passive mode FTP but then the only command line
client for Windows/DOS I've ever seen that did so costs a couple
hundred bucks.

Don't get me started about the architecture of ftp, it just proves that
even the wizards who invented the internet had some bad nights too :)

I think command-line ftp is just one of those things that's good to know
about.  If you use it, just remember to use these two commands before
you upload or download anything:


and all will be well :)


**If you want to know more, here's what Greg Lehey and Diomidis
Spinellis (who ought to know) have to say about Microsoft and


</geek modet>

>Aw Hell Ding Dong Diddly Crap.
>Try it again. I think microsoft's ftp client converted it to text or
>something stupid like that.

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