you're thinking ergot (claviceps purpurpea), as in ergotism, the oldest 
recorded source of fungus poisoning. 

the active component are the ergot alkaloids, which are all derivatives of 
lysergic acid.  they are molecularly related to adrenaline, dopamine, and 
ergometrine is used to control postpartum bleeding, while very small doses of 
ergotamine can be use to treat migranes.

heh, I work in a toxicology lab and just happen to have a paper on ergotism 
sitting on my desk ;)

---- seek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Robert Taylor" 
> I prefer Collins' - it's less stuffy than the OED and more accepting of
> comtemporary argot. 
> ====================
> Rye argot?
> seek

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