On 6 Apr 2006, at 16:13, dave cronin wrote:

just picked up that ia bericochea on rojo, the alex
under on plus 8, and the sleeparchive 2x12" all of
which have really gotten me in the mood for the deep
minimal stuff.

The new Regis stuff is even more minimal, I'll check which label/12" his stuff is coming out on, it very good.
Blacklight Sleaze on NRK is pretty fine and jacking
Falko Brocksieper, Hardwired on Tuningspork is also very good - Hardwired EP
Inxec on Contexterrior

anything new like this coming out of detroit these

i'm pretty much over the glitch take on this stuff,
but am totally thirsting for that raw, jackin, but not
necessarily slammin side of techno.

Shame, Kero has some great stuff coming on Blueprint...


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