Well it's a great debate but, when I called to find out about the
possibility of adding a renewed Detroit classic (Label) to any kind of of
DEMF functions I was told pack it up it's too late already?

My response......but you just announced 2-3weeks ago?  How could that be?

I figured they'd need more submissions?

Clearly they took a head-start on things but without leaving any
possibilities for Detroit's own?

That list lacks.......


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:46 AM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) complaining about the fuse-in line-up

On 4/19/06, Kent Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You know I talk with people who are respected artists who have been on
> the mailing list, and they don't have much respect for the 'chattering
> class' aspect of the 313 list.  I'm not calling anyone out, I'm just
> saying ...

too bad for them if they dont like the "chattering class". my job isnt
to appease anyone, its to talk about things in an honest manner. if
they dont like that, there must be a reason. honesty must frighten

> It is really easy to criticize an organization like Paxahau for their
> artistic choices, but I think it's missing a major point: Paxahau has
> survived in promotion for years -- and a mostly _respected_ player in
> the game -- by balancing art and commercialism.  Now, they've taken on
> a job that could sink both their financial security and their
> reputation as promoters.

look, if you go back to when they announced that paxahau was doing it,
i expressed hope that they would be able to do a decent job and get
some good results. then we got that lineup. and all positivity was
drained from my feelings about them doing the festival.

> Their job is to pack the Plaza.  The way you do that is to book people
> who are famous to people who don't know that much about techno.  Once
> they're there, they can learn a thing or two about real Detroit music.
> Some of them won't, but some people never learn anything.

there are ways to do this, and ways not to do it. the orb is an
interesting and decently respectable choice. donald glaude isnt.
richie hawtin, for as much hating on that dood as ive done, is even
still alright. POTD isnt.

> The 313 list is a collection of techno otaku.  The perfect 313 list
> festival would likely attract people from the 313 list, their
> girlfriends and wingmen, and not many more people.  That's not going
> to fill the plaza.

ive never expressed anything negative about past festival lineups, and
there were plenty of people at those. i think almost every festival
thus far has done a better job of having a balance of good stuff and
stuff that will draw lots of people. this one is heavily weighted
towards the "drawing lots of people" end.

> They will go to see Richie, but once they're there, they will vote
> with their feet, and be wherever the music makes them feel good.  The
> Detroit artists at the festival, who aren't Donald Glaude, or Richie
> Hawtin, etc should feel good about their chances with that crowd.

yeah right. come on now, you know as well as i that people who are
excited about donald glaude or POTD are not going to be the people who
even give someone like shake or aux 88 the time of day. its a
fundamental difference in music. just because bad trance and house
uses similar instruments and structures as good house and techno
doesnt mean that theyre related. theyre not. hiphop and soul are much
closer to detroit house and techno than doc martin or photek are.

> And all those CelebriDJs on the schedule ought to know -- they better
> bring it, or they're going to be laughed out of town.  Even kids who
> don't know who Ron Murphy is, who've never bought a 12", don't know
> Mike Banks from Mike Myers, who've never owned a turntable, know when
> a DJ is wack.

i absolutely disagree. ive witnessed morons at raves going nuts to any
number of deejays who couldnt mix, couldnt select a decent track,
couldnt do a damn thing! this is what happens when you deal with
lowest common denominator music. and thats just what we're starting to
see in this lineup.

> I think it will be a brilliant festival weekend actually, and if you
> want to be a black t-shirt Debbie Downer about the whole deal, it's
> your right. Me, I'm going to be dancing like an idiot next to the kid
> in the tiger suit.

ill be there like always. ill pitch in my money and do my part to make
sure that the festival is a success. my family and i (not even
counting all the people who are in the large group of people you know
we got with) spend a pretty ludicrous amount of money and time to go
to this festival. but i will only be burned once. if i wanted to hear
bad dance music, i could do that in pittsburgh just fine. i want to go
to detroit for something special, not some LCD nonsense.


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