meh, the rave promoters in my town have managed to screw up most of what
could have been, and was at one time, a good thing


             "Svagr, Jodie"                                                
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             uk>                                                        To 
             04/19/06 04:17 PM         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,       
                                       RE: (313) DEMF supporters here      

a bit sunshiny I know... plur all the way...  lol

I've heard the rumours as well, from the mouth of a few.  I think that goes
back to the long-lasting divide between the "rave scene" and the old skool
producers that were always against the drugs.  First thing they said was
how could a rave promoter know anything about Detroit music?

That divide in the Detroit scene has been happening for a long time, and
may never change.  I recognize both sides of the scene have been integral
to its development, and I for one am a bit happy that the rave promoters
are finally getting an opportunity to represent by throwing the fest.


From: J.T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 19/04/2006 22:15
To: Svagr, Jodie;
Subject: RE: (313) DEMF supporters here

wow, that's sunshiney. good for you, altho i think taking this list that
seriously is kinda silly.

anyways, some hearsay...a friend told me mad mike told him he and a lot of
more established and accomplished detroit artists this list is supposed to
be about would not be participating if the festival got too lame. i think
we're in danger of seeing that happen, but again...i'm just nervously
waiting to see what happens. i also know many great artists who have no
interest in participating regardless. festivals arent for everyone, i think
i was lucky to have such a good time at the previosu years and i'm not
surprised if it ends. not mad.

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