now back to the question, does everyone still assume that those people
were wrong to fear this?

Tom ..  for starters I like you passion ..  '

and ..  I think you may have strong case .. but not a valid one unless you are
willing to participate in certain behaviors that will mark you and Detriot music

Firstly I think everyone accepts and appreciates that Detroit music originated
from Detroit.  I have yet to meet a Detroit Techno lover who would suggest that
Detroit is anything but the respectable home and heartland of Detroit Techno.

However what you are suggesting is that Detroit has exclusive and complete
rights to the label "Detroit Techno".  This is possibly a commercially smart 
to do .. and has been done by the French in regard to their bubbly wine and
local cheese.

You are suggesting that the only people who can call their Techno "Detroit 
are people who are born and raised in Detroit.

In a commercial sense you are probably following a clean line of thought. On a
personal level I see you trying to protect the energy and truth of the early 
Techno.  I see you also trying to protect the interests of local Detroit 

These are all valid things to do.  However in order to protect these things you 
need to essentially crush what is "Detroit Techno" into a can cover it in a 
series of
warning labels and putting it on a special shelf for everyone to purchase.

Historically I think Ritchie was probably a little cheeky to put that sticker 

But unless "Detroit Techno" took the legal steps to protect the labeling of 
under that title then all you are left with is some assumed level of respect 
artists outside Detroit that the label belongs only to Detroit artists.

I believe if "Detroit Techno" had done this.  If it had protected by legal 
means the
labeling of music as "Detroit Techno" we would not be seeing what we are seeing
today, which is a global interest and support for the music form.

Tom ' I think you are totally on the correct wave length in terms of trying to 
the correct attention for Detroit Music people ...

But I also think you are missing the point.  The DEMF regardless of the play 
is drawing a huge amount of attention from around the globe towards Detroit and
the modern music form of Techno that is related to Detroit.

Detroit Techno has started something, and yes everyone wants to be a part of it,
but you should be proud of this and welcoming people to the City, to the 

No other city in the world can boast to be what Detroit is ..  and from where I 
standing the DEMF is a celebration of what Detroit has started, and the fact 
the festival is in the heart of the city is testament to what Detroit has 
to continue.

While I respect you are upset, and for many good reasons.  Until they start 
the DEMF in New York or Berlin I think you should work on the positives.

But .. perhaps you think I have no right to comment because I don't live in 

If thats the case then Detroit Techno should have never been played outside the
city limits.



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