On 5/17/06, as if .. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tom ..  for starters I like you passion ..  '

thanks ;)

You are suggesting that the only people who can call their Techno "Detroit 
are people who are born and raised in Detroit.

ummm, that is a bit obvious, right? i mean i guess you dont
necessarily have to have lived every second of your life in detroit to
qualify, but certainly a long term connection with the city and its
culture should be a requirement. say techno artist X moves to detroit,
his music is not now "detroit techno", thats for sure. in fact, to me
someone like 4 Hero has more to do with detroit techno than someone
like the Beretta music people.

In a commercial sense you are probably following a clean line of thought. On a
personal level I see you trying to protect the energy and truth of the early 
Techno.  I see you also trying to protect the interests of local Detroit 

for me its not only about techno though, its about house and electro
and ghetto tech and even soul and hiphop. anything that has a
distinctly detroit flavour that is recognizable! every one of those
genres that has a sound associated with detroit has been ripped off by
and also influenced people outside of detroit.

These are all valid things to do.  However in order to protect these things you 
need to essentially crush what is "Detroit Techno" into a can cover it in a 
series of
warning labels and putting it on a special shelf for everyone to purchase.

i dont necessarily think that is true. the good thing about something
as generic as "detroit music" is ever changing, and will grow to
include different genres and different ideas. but it certainly doesnt
need to include every single style of music made in detroit. detroit
is a large city, im sure theres some polka players there. but there's
no detroit polka sound!

But unless "Detroit Techno" took the legal steps to protect the labeling of 
under that title then all you are left with is some assumed level of respect 
artists outside Detroit that the label belongs only to Detroit artists.

I believe if "Detroit Techno" had done this.  If it had protected by legal 
means the
labeling of music as "Detroit Techno" we would not be seeing what we are seeing
today, which is a global interest and support for the music form.

hmm, i dont agree. look at "baltimore club music". its now hip to be
down with that, and plenty of people outside of baltimore are doing
so. but there arent b-more club tracks made anywhere outside of
baltimore. there are people ripping that sound off, but without the
culture and the place that birthed it, all it is is a cheap knockoff.

Tom ' I think you are totally on the correct wave length in terms of trying to 
the correct attention for Detroit Music people ...

But I also think you are missing the point.  The DEMF regardless of the play 
is drawing a huge amount of attention from around the globe towards Detroit and
the modern music form of Techno that is related to Detroit.

but my argument is that most of this stuff has nothing to do with
detroit. POTD has nothing to do with detroit on any level. photek
might have 10 years ago, but not today. ditto donald glaude and doc
martin and josh wink (well, i guess he has something to do with it in
the manner of ripping off specific tracks!) and otto von shirach and
etcetc. why these people who have NOTHING to do with detroit are
playing at the exclusion of those people who DO have something very
essential to do with detroit is what im peeved about. there's no
connection to be made from listening to those artists to get to the
detroit artists. whats really sad is that if you wanted to have
breakcore represented, you could get the low res people to do
something since theyve been doing their thing in detroit since 1998 or
so. and jungle wise, soundmurderer definitely has something going on
that is much more related to detroit simply because the guy's life has
obviously been influenced by growing up in/around detroit. so drawing
attention to these other people is serving absolutely no one except
those whose name will now be associated with something they had
nothing to do with. and thats wack.

No other city in the world can boast to be what Detroit is ..  and from where I 
standing the DEMF is a celebration of what Detroit has started, and the fact 
the festival is in the heart of the city is testament to what Detroit has 
to continue.

While I respect you are upset, and for many good reasons.  Until they start 
the DEMF in New York or Berlin I think you should work on the positives.

look, since they announced paxahau was doing the festival this year,
ive given them the benefit of the doubt at every stage. initially i
said "well, i know what theyre known for, but hopefully theyll keep
the big picture in mind when picking the acts to play." then the
initial lineup came out, and it was obvious that they had done no such
thing. they said they would announce more lineup later, so i held out
that they would add much more detroit stuff. then the full lineup was
released, with only a few good additions and lots of other extraneous
nonsense piled on. so i assumed that with so few detroit
representations that theyd give those people whose blood sweat and
tears they owed the existance of the festival to SOME iota of credit
by giving them good timeslots to rock the crowds. of course, i was
wrong yet again. they have had numerous chances to do ANYTHING right,
and aside from booking rob hood and giving him a good timeslot, they
have screwed everything else up!

But .. perhaps you think I have no right to comment because I don't live in 

nah, i dont think anything of the sort. in case you didnt know, im not
from detroit, nor do i have any connection to it outside of my deeply
held passion for its music and by extension its culture and it.

If thats the case then Detroit Techno should have never been played outside the
city limits.

let me state how i feel about people outside detroit playing at the
festival: i dont mind it at all. last year was a great case with all
the dutch people playing who obviously have enough connection in their
music (even though it is not music i buy, or listen to on anything
resembling a regular basis) to deserve to be there. same thing with
past performers like 4 hero and rhythm and sound and even richie
hawtin. however, i dont feel like the festival should be concentrated
on those people. they should be given their due respect as great
artists, but this is DETROIT'S electronic music festival. this should
be all about the detroit artists. and now its just not. taking the
"detroit" out of it and all youve got is some random electronic music.
and thats a rave. what that has to do with detroit, i'm not sure. but
i guess we'll all find out in a couple days!


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