@ken - loose lips sink ships!

@cyclone - I know what you're saying, and your Brixton experience sounds 
unpleasant. I was just comparing DEMF press arrangements to last year, where 
press passes allowed access all areas. I was able to wander about, chatting to 
people I needed to speak to, without any problems. Everyone seemed happy with 
this arrangement.

The press people last year (Jay Dolata and his crew from Brogans) went out of 
their way to help me hook up with people who I had trouble reaching (e.g. 
Juan). Their attitude was: 'this member of the press can help me generate 
positive publicity for the festival, I'll help them since it helps us'. 
Paxahau's attitude seemed to be 'stop bothering us, you're probably trying to 
rip us off in some way'.

As for security and knowing who I was, there was no problem with this since 
they issued the (practically worthless) pass following my production of ID and 
an accreditation letter from my employers.

Sorry about the rant, but the main reason for me being out there was to 
publicise the festival and give it and 313 music some much needed exposure in 
the UK. I foudn their attitude mystifying, not to mention infuriating.

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