Myspace? pfff.... (Like someone** said) the official
home of internet voyeurism and mutual :-/

Obviously, if a Japan guy hadn't stole MY nickname
(cfr. and ohmygosh
look-at-the-photo in Disneyland) which was MINE
almost 25 years ago, waaaaay long before myspace
and he existed, I'd love the whole Myspace thing ;)

(**: cfr.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ian Cheshire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "kent williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "list 313" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: (313) myspace (is) 313 (OT)/selling records

I have tried many times to disable the player so its doesn't load as soon
as you go on there but it doesn't want to know..shame as the label I am on
seems to have that feature but mine just doesn't want to work :(

It's not crazy, actually. Anyone who is trying to make music needs to
be on myspace, if for no other reason than to prevent someone from
poaching your professional name.

It is also an excellent way for people to stay informed about artists
they care about -- show announcements, new tunes, etc.  The networking
aspect also means that you can potentially get people to listen to
your music, just because you're a friend of a friend of a friend.
Careers have been made on myspace, and while that won't probably
happen to you or me, it's too big to ignore.

That being said, I hate the way the pages look, how slow the servers
are, the preponderance of kids acting dumb, the unbelievably awful way
you get hit by music every time you go to most people's profile, and
the fact that it's owned by that fascist Rupert Murdoch.

On 7/17/06, Denise Dalphond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's crazy how many techno folks are on here.


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