one thing not mentioned so far: hard disc failure!
a hard disc failure in your head might lead to some failure of your external hard disc you use to store your music data! from my personal experience: when i upgraded to tiger on my ibook i had some trouble with photoshop which i thought back then resulted in some missing os9 partition on my hd. stupid and impatient as i am i had the idea to install this os9 part on my external 250 gd hd which left me with a non-accessable disk!!! after searching for help in all macuser forums i finally bought "data rescue" and "disk warrior" for about 100 $ us each... disk warrior helped me recover the files and now i have three quarters of the files with proper names like they used to be an one quarter named like: M01215.mp3, M01216.mp3, M01217.mp3... and whenever i have some spare time i spend it on putting the proper names to the files... still about 1.500 files to be checked... lucky enough i never sold the vinyls and cds - so in the end i'll suceed. got me some 2nd hd for backup in the meantime...
you don't usually have those problems with vinyl!
regarding the fact that not every one's as stupid as i am (lucky enough) this might be just a small aspect of the discussion. one last off topic remark: it's moodymann on the 7th, akufen on the 8th and a m-nus night on the 22nd of september over here - just in case you're planning some trip....
Am 22.08.2006 um 20:43 schrieb Jason Brunton:

yeah, it may well be a generational thing- my gut feeling is that vinyl will always have a "cool" factor that will appeal to people that will help things tick along for a good while yet- for our particualr music and where club gigs are concerned, I still haven't used anything that comes close to the experience of two vinyl decks and a mixer- in a situation like this I'm not particularly interested in endless choice of tracks that MP3 playback systems offer- I'm happy to ride the uncertaintly of having to play with what you've got to hand and make the best out of what I've got and also, for me, there IS a difference in sound quality between MP3, CD and viny.

As for home listening there is no denying the attraction and convinience of the ipod and computer based music- I spent ages importing all of my my CD collection into I-tunes but my main computer isn't in my living room so I can only access this music through my ipod and scrolling through loads and loads and loads of artists/albums to find what I'm looking for is a bit of a pain- sometimes its just easier to bung an actual CD in the player and let it go!

Very interested in everyones' opinions though and thanks very much for taking the time to let me know what you all think


On 18 Aug 2006, at 09:03, Martin Dust wrote:

I can see where you are coming from Jason but I do buy a lot of stuff from Beatport and Bleep mostly odd tracks from EPs and Albums where I don't like the full thing and while it may not appeal to heads I know teenagers who don't own a single piece of Vinyl or a CD but do own more than one hard drive with their collection on - I also buy stuff that you can't get on vinyl/cd - DMZ for example. I buy the odd pop track off iTunes but if you look at the charts for electronic music on iTunes you see that they haven't changed for months - Born Slippy has been in the top ten since they started - so that gives you a big clue about who buys there...

As for the future, I think there's room for all formats and paying a couple of quid for a wav is a better format than vinyl ;)

my 2 cents


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