On 8/24/06, Martin Dust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I disagree Tom, some of the DVD's are pretty good, in a magazine type way
and after all they are free. I think they could be doing a better job of
featuring new artists but I don't think they are anything to get really bent
about mate...

in general im over music magazines (outside of wax poetics, which is
the only magazine that really incorporates all of a music's history
into modern ideas...). even XLR8R is done, all it is is hipster
nonsense and indie rock crapola. they have suckers who know nothing
about the music reviewing it. its a big joke. there's no place to go
to get any semi-serious journalism on this music on a regular basis.

There's still a few reviewers worth trusting I feel but you can get better tips on the many lists, blogs and forums these days so I agree with you there but I'm also an old sod so I figure that maybe I should be reading Mojo/Record Collector - or at least that's what the marketing departments think!!!

one other thing: check out the musicians featured. i know its only
marketed in europe, but theyre almost all stark white. anything that
has to do with dance music that is featuring 99.9% white people is
missing the whole point. its a cash in, just like richie's persona.

I don't think that is something they planned tho, hell you should write to them and ask why, I know you feel strongly about this, you should take them to task...


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