Well Tom,

I'm disappointed I haven't heard back from you yet.  Perhaps I had my sights 
aimed too high for you in asking you to knock off Bush or Cheney.  How about I 
give you a couple of easier targets ?  If you can nail Rush Limbaugh that would 
really piss off my father and a lot of other Dittoheads.  Or you can go for the 
easy one and get Genesis P-Orridge for me for old time sake.  So how about ?  
Criss cross, criss cross, criss, cross.......

PS.  I love that new tune by Jarvis Cocker, "C*nts Are Still Running The 
World".  From the looks of things around here C*nts are alive and well and 
living on 313.  

PSS. Social Services are heading over to Tom's house now to remove his child 
from his home.  Poor Tom is seriously mentally ill.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
> Tom,
> Did you ever see Alfred Hitchcock's movie "Strangers on a Train" ?  Let's 
> make a 
> deal ok ?  You do something really worthwhile like....say.... take out your 
> violent impulses on somebody really worthy, ie: George W. Bush and Dick 
> Cheney 
> !!  Then I promise you that I will get rid of Hawtin for you.  You know I can 
> get real close to Rich and eliminate him painlessly.  What do you say ?  
> Criss-cross, criss-cross.....
> telepathic regards,
> the kooky scientist
> PS.  I hope some of you get the references on this one.  Jeesh........
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > from that stupid richie hawtin tribute page that is p*ssing me off
> > more and more:
> > 
> > 'electronic beats' – Electronic Music, Life and Style by T-Mobile – is
> > an on-going, trendsetting program focusing on the link between
> > entertainment, technology and communication. Centered around the
> > music, trends and people that form an exclusive community, 'electronic
> > beats' supports electronic music and its related lifestyle. Slices is
> > a unique part of the 'electronic beats' media mix which includes the
> > electronic beats magazine and website www.electronicbeats.net.
> > 
> > so its an "exclusive community" eh? and what exactly is this related
> > lifestyle? this makes me violent.
> > 
> > tmo

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