Seriously, what the crap is all this?  I missed the mandate that dictated
dj's/musicians were supposed behave as if they had one foot in the convent
or rectory.

Oh that's right...we're all "serious artists" and completely incapible of
having fun anymore.


> You consider these things arrogant or out of control?
> I can't imagine what you think of Zappa or The Beatles and their
> "antics". How about Pink Floyd. hehehe
> We haven't had a good flame war in years!!
> o
> On Aug 24, 2006, at 5:52 PM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
>> On 8/24/06, skept <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> i'm not saying i think this is or is not true but what has he done
>>> that
>>> make you say this?
>> uh, what exactly about his behaviour is humble and quiet? was it the
>> mix CD with sven vath with the sounds of them jet setting about mixed
>> in? or maybe the make out sessions with vilallobos? i bet its the
>> documentary. thats some humble sh*t right there. maybe a combination
>> of all of the above? when i looked up humble the other day on,
>> they had a picture of richie right there! incredible!
>> tommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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